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Prime Minister Kiril Petkov speaks with US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman


Prime Minister Kiril Petkov and Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman reaffirmed the strategic partnership between Bulgaria and the United States. The Deputy Secretary of State congratulated the Prime Minister on the successful efforts resulting in the recent announcement that the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) will open negotiations with Bulgaria on accession and affirmed the US commitment to work with fellow OECD members to support this process.


Wendy Sherman thanked Prime Minister Kiril Petkov for Bulgaria’s role as a stalwart NATO ally in the face of Russia’s escalatory actions toward Ukraine. The Prime Minister and the Deputy Secretary discussed the shared commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Bulgaria’s Prime Minister and the US diplomat discussed the Bulgarian Government’s objectives of tackling the COVID pandemic, diversifying toward clean energy sources, and implementing anti-corruption reforms as priorities that will benefit the Bulgarian people.